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One Caring Adult: Standing in the Corner for Students

When Carlee Halsey graduated from Morehead State University, she knew she wanted to return to her hometown to serve the community where she grew up in Wolfe County, Kentucky. In her position as Full-Service Community Schools Coordinator at Red River Valley Elementary School, she gets to work with students just like her at the school she once attended. 

Halsey says the unwavering support of her parents allowed her to thrive in her educational goals. She acknowledges that not every child is so fortunate. It is often the adults within a school system that must step up and be a supportive figure, standing in the corner for a child and pushing them to succeed. For Halsey, this is why she does the work. 

“If I can be that one caring adult in a child’s life, even if it is just one child, that is the most rewarding part of my job,” Halsey said.

 “Every student deserves to have someone in their life they can turn to for guidance, support, or even just a friendly smile to let them know that we care. Having the opportunity to positively impact a child’s life is the best part of this job.”

In addition to being a support person for students, Halsey also cultivates partnerships in the community to bring enrichment opportunities to her rural school. These include family engagement, arts, STEM, and more. One impactful collaboration was with the Wolfe County Public Library, providing library cards to students. Another involved working with a local photographer to take family portraits at no cost to the students or their families. The impact of these efforts will create lasting change for students and, ultimately, Wolfe County—helping Halsey build the brighter future she envisions for her community.

“I feel so fortunate to get to do the work that I do,” Halsey said. “I know ultimately that I could not do this work without the support of my Project Director, Full-Service Community Schools colleagues, as well as my building staff and leadership team. I am so excited to continue this wonderful work!”

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