2024 Rural Library Network eSummit

December 4, 2024

The Rural Library Network’s annual cradle-to-career eSummit is quickly approaching!

At the end of each year, the Rural Library eSummit brings together more than 500 rural library practitioners and friends from across rural America to celebrate their role in building strong communities. At the eSummit, practitioners learn more about using cradle-to-career strategies to address educational and health disparities as well as having the chance to access resources needed to do this work. During the eSummit, incentives will be shared, and networking opportunities will abound!

Call for Proposals

The purpose of the Partners for Rural Impact Rural Library Network eSummit is to celebrate the work by rural libraries in the community, connect and convene rural library professionals committed to moving outcomes for rural children and families, provide an opportunity for rural library professionals to network and share best and promising practices, and drive resources and opportunities to rural communities through libraries. The theme for the 2024 Rural Library Network eSummit is Books Count: Eliminating Book Deserts in Rural Places and various tracks may focus on youth services/programs, family engagement, community engagement, health and wellbeing, bookmobiles, funding opportunities, advocacy, grant writing, etc. will enhance the experience for the attendee. Rural Library Network seeks proposals for interactive and engaging breakout educational sessions, roundtables, and/or panels that addresses these topics.

Proposal Selection Process

Proposals to be considered for presentation at the Rural Library Network eSummit must be submitted on the form here: 2024 Rural Library Network eSummit “Call for Proposals.” Also, please register for the eSummit here.

Each proposal must be related to the theme and one of the topics above. You may suggest a new topic and connect it to the theme. Each proposal should also reference rural libraries and rural communities.

Proposals should answer any of the following questions:

  • What are some best practices in working to eliminate book deserts in rural places?
  • What are examples of funders that could help libraries address the book desert in rural places?
  • How has your projects improved literacy outcomes for children and youth and/or eliminated book deserts?
  • What are the successes and challenges of partnerships between libraries, academic institutions, schools, community agencies, health and medical centers, and other institutions?
  • As a rural library, what strategies have you used to create healthy communities?
  • What advocacy models have worked in rural communities to advance family engagement and/or literacy outcomes?


Breakout Session Presentations

The Breakout Sessions are designed to serve as a 60-minute information sharing, skills-building, and celebration sessions. Each breakout session should plan to have at least 10 minutes dedicated to an attendee Q&A segment. The review of proposals will begin October 1st until ten different breakout sessions are selected; and the plan is to complete the review process by October 30th.

Previous eSummits

The 2023 eSummit was a two-half-day event that took place virtually December 6-7. Participants networked and attended both keynote and breakout presentations. 

The 2022 eSummit was a two-half-day event that took place virtually December 7-8. Participants networked and attended both keynote and breakout presentations.

Check out this playlist from all the sessions during the 2021 eSummit.

If you missed the breakout sessions during the Rural Library eSummit, you can now view each session below:

Learn more about the Rural Library Network and join today by clicking here